Our Story

We’re Grounded Body Scrub – The UK’s leading Beauty, Anti-ageing and Body care company. We specialise in creating beautiful body care products for those who love to take care of their skin and health.
But we didn’t start off like that, our owners Lloyd and Tasha created their first product at home in their Kitchen in Leigh on Sea –this is where our first coffee scrub was made and is the humble birthplace for our amazing company.
Why did we make a coffee scrub?
Well, our owner Tasha had been suffering with Dry and Itchy Eczema for the majority of her life and was tired of using over the counter medicines. So she asked Lloyd to make her a coffee scrub; something which she used whilst holidaying in Bali and had great success with. They experimented with different oils and scents until they created our first scrub – The grapefruit coffee scrub.
They gave out this scrub to family, friends and co-workers and decided that they were onto something as everyone had such amazing feedback. So they began to Brand the company, design packaging and jotting down ideas to grow the brand. The name had to be connected to its origins: Nature, Coffee, Bali and the Earth.
So, with help from a friend they came up with the name Grounded. They then embarked on a serious coffee scrub creating journey experimenting with scents, oils and minerals - and in doing so developed the Coconut and Chocolate Orange scents. They wanted to showcase the brand and products so decided to do their first trade show at Professional Beauty –
With help from their family they built a big tropical stage with Palm trees, Coconuts and presented their product’s to the public. Using Coconut Bowl sinks they tried out the scrubs on the trade show customers hands - Soon everyone nearby were in awe of their silky smooth skin, the tropical scents and went crazy for them and as a result were then sold out by the second day!
While everyone was crowding the stage and trying our scrubs they got approached by some BBC producers from the TV show Dragons Den who asked if Tasha and Lloyd wanted to be on the show.
They loved the concept, the unusual products, the tropical stage and the passion. They thought it was a joke until they got home and had an email from Dragons Den. Nervously, they thought this would be a great idea to garner huge exposure for Grounded so they plucked up the courage and decided to go ahead and email back. Their Journey was just beginning. Leading up to the air date, they kept busy making new varieties of scrubs, brand new products and spoke with beauty buyers across the UK and landed a huge Boots account ready for the big day.
Luckily they had Boots as a stockist as Grounded Body Scrub products sold out within days of airing. Grounded made a huge splash in the body scrub category and even helped to bring the issue of micro-beads to the forefront of mainstream legislation with our campaigns helping to eradicate the problematic plastic polluters.
Since then the Brands Team have worked hard to turn the company from the UK’s leading coffee scrub company to an entire Body Care brand ranging from Anti-Ageing to body and health supplements — Grounded is now stocked internationally in over 30 countries worldwide within Spa's, Retail Beauty Shops, Supermarkets, E-Commerce lifestyle stores, Beauty Boxes, Airlines,
Duty Free and Health Shops. Such as Boots, Holland and Barrett, Zalando, BirchBox, Outfit. Also on airlines such as Jet 2, Ryan Air, Hong Kong Airlines and Thomas Cook. Our distribution Partners span to globe from Dubai, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia all the way to Multi Retailers in the Australia. We’ve always believed in our products and take great pride in the feedback we receive back from our wonderful customers who’ve we’ve helped to improve their skin, confidence and their lives.
We hope you enjoyed reading our story and using our products -
Love and Scrubs - The Grounded Team x

Portrait by John Mclellon - Used with Permission :)